01_Qe: Summary & Quiz: Dementia, Delirium & Depression: Similarities, Differences, and Treatments

Dementia, delirium and depression can present with similar symptoms and sometimes in the same person


  • Gradual onset over months to years
  • Typically worsens over years with only slight fluctuations
  • Goal of treatment is to slow disease progression


  • Acute onset (hours to a couple of days)
  • Presents with dramatic behavior
  • Frequent fluctuations in symptom severity
  • Caused by an underlying health issue
  • Reversible with proper treatment


  • Develops over weeks to months
  • Steady course until it is treated or resolves
  • Treatments include medications, professional therapies, exercise, or support networks
  • Be aware of suicide risk

Conclusion and Credits:

Written by:

Catherine M. Harris, PhD, RNCS.
Mindy J. Kim-Miller, MD, PhD

Edited by:

Sasha Asdourian


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01_Qe: Summary & Quiz: Dementia, Delirium & Depression: Similarities, Differences, and Treatments