Dementia Statistics

Dementia Worldwide:

  • In 2005, an estimated 24.3 million people worldwide had dementia, with 4.6 million new cases of dementia every year (one new case every 7 seconds).
  • The number of those with dementia will be an estimated 42 million by 2020, and 81.1 million by 2040.
  • Most people with dementia live in developing countries: 60% in 2001, rising to 71% by 2040.
  • In developed countries, there will be a 100% increase in dementia cases between 2001 and 2040. But in developing countries, this increase is three to four times higher. In fact, Latin America will have the greatest increase of 393% from 2001 to 2040.

Dementia in the United States

  • In 2000, there were 282 million people in the U.S. By 2050, there will be an estimated 420 million people.
  • There are nearly 40 million people aged 65 or older (~13% of the population). By 2050, this number will increase to over ~86 million (~21% of the population).
  • 13% of persons 65 years or older and about half of those over 85 years suffer from AD.
  • Someone in the US develops AD every 72 seconds with an estimated 5.1 million adults who have AD in 2007. By 2050, someone will develop AD approximately every 33 seconds, and the prevalence of AD will dramatically increase to 11 to 16 million.

Dementia in Latin America:

  • 4.6% (1.8 million) of the 40.1 million people in Latin America aged 60 years or older had dementia in 2001.
  • There will be an estimated 4.1 million people in Latin America with dementia by 2020, and 9.1 million by 2040.

Dementia in the Latino Population in the United States:

  • In 2000, there were over 35 million Latinos (12.5% of the population) in the U.S. By 2050, this number will increase to an estimated 102.6 million Latinos (almost a quarter of the population).
  • The Latino elderly (aged 65 or older) currently represent ~6% (2 million) of the total elderly population in the U.S. By the year 2050, a projected 16-18% (12-13 million) of the elderly population will be Latino. From this group, it is estimated that at least 4.5 million Latino elders will require long-term care due to AD or other chronic health condition.
  • Approximately 200,000 Latinos have AD today. By 2050, there may be as many as 1.3 million Latinos with AD.
  • Some studies suggest that symptoms of AD may develop in Latinos earlier than they do in Caucasians.
  • Latinos and African-Americans are more likely than Caucasians to believe that AD is a normal part of aging, and are more optimistic about future advances in research to treat AD.
  • A lack of knowledge about dementia, rather than culturally influenced beliefs, is the major deterrent to recognizing the initial symptoms of AD.
  • Compared with Caucasians and African-Americans, Latinos are more likely to report feeling well-prepared for handling a diagnosis of AD in a family member.
  • Latino caregivers are generally younger than Caucasian caregivers (~40 vs. ~50 years old), and more often have children under 18 at home (58% vs. 38% of Latino vs. Caucasian caregivers respectively).
  • Latino caregiver household incomes are generally lower than Caucasian incomes (median of $27,500 vs. $35,000).
  • Roughly 20% of Latinos (similar for other racial/ethnic groups) care for a relative with dementia (over 5 million Latino households in 1997).
  • Latinos view family-centered home care as a culturally embedded value but are willing to consider placement when home care becomes impractical. Following placement, Latino dementia caregivers report the greatest amount of time overseeing or helping with the care, thereby preserving their Latino values of family care and obligation.

Caregivers in the United States

  • Growing number of persons with dementia are receiving care in home and community-based settings rather than in nursing homes, and family members are providing the vast majority of the care.
  • Nearly one in four U.S. households contains at least one caregiver.
  • Almost 10 million Americans are caring for a person with AD or another dementia. This represents about 29% of all caregivers of people aged 60 and older.
  • Nearly a quarter of the caregivers of people with AD and related dementias provide 40 hours a week or more of care. The average caregiver provides 16.6 hours of care per week.
  • Based on the hours of care, the unpaid value of this care was worth almost $83 billion in 2005.
  • Most caregivers for people with AD and related dementias are older than age 50, female, and are typically spouses or family members.
  • Caregiving for family members with dementia has been associated with greater levels of stress, depression, anxiety, anger, illness and poor physical health compared to non-caregiving and caregiving for those without dementia.
  • Although dementia caregivers consistently report experiencing high caregiver stress, only 11% of surveyed AD caregivers participated in support groups, and 9% used respite services.

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